Barrelling through the saloon doors with wobble-pop indie anthem ‘Daddy’s Gone For Cigarettes’ and a point to prove, Trunky Juno continues his exploration of lo-fi bedroom pop, injected with a healthy dose of Americana. Driven by a gigantic hook capable of uniting
hipsters and truckers alike, the track deals with running away from problems and expectations for a little while – or maybe even forever. As Trunky explains:
“Sometimes we all feel like going out to buy cigarettes and never coming home. Escaping reality by shaving your head and moving to a farm in the Outer Hebrides. Or maybe just
turning your phone off for a few days. I loved the phrase “Daddy’s gone for cigarettes” so much and decided to write a track around it. It took a really long time to get it right, but I
hope the message is one the average anxious millennial cowboy/cowgirl out there can enjoy.”